Monday, April 13, 2009


We had a great Easter at the Legan house. On Saturday afternoon (4/11/09), Bekah participated in her first Easter egg hunt at church and she did great. There was a great turn-out of kids and Bekah quickly learned what was going on and ran around scooping up all the eggs she could find. Eventually, she couldn't carry her basket anymore and had to get Grandma to carry it for her! Her basket got so full that she eventually started putting Easter eggs up her arm sleeves! That's my resourceful girl!

After church on Sunday, the Kentucky fam came up for a nice, easy afternoon visit. Aunt Sandy brought up some of Caitlin's toys for Bekah to play with and her hands-down favorite was the Barbie play kitchen. She played for hours and hours with it as I'm sure that's what she's doing today too! She got some great Easter baskets from Aunt Sandy, MiMi, Aunt Ruth and, of course, the Easter Bunny. Blake didn't really seemed to care much about Easter - his day was complete as long as it included napping, eating and pooping :-)

1 comment:

  1. The family easter pic... looks like I took it. Everyone is below the counters! That Bekah is soooo adorable!
