This is for all those people who have asked how Bekah is doing as a big sister. She's doing great! Although she's really not the most gentle person I've ever met, she does a pretty good job overall. She has a baby that she likes to pamper just like I do with Blake - she'll feed it, give it a pacifier, put a diaper on it, burp it, put it "night night" and sometimes she may even try to nurse it. She's a funny, funny kid!
Blake tolerates her very well too! He has never really gotten upset with her or her games ("Where did baby go?", "Night Night Baby" or "Let's Pretend I'm an Only Child" - ok, I made that last one up). So far, he's been an excellent baby and is growing like a weed! Now if we could only get him sleeping through the night...
You have the two most beautiful, angelic children I've ever seen! Can't wait to see you at the Christmas party again this year!