Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Much Overdue Update

The kids have grown so much since the last update. Blake has turned a year and now has six teeth. Bekah will be THREE!!! this summer and I can't even begin to think. Time has flown by so fast. Blake is starting to walk now, taking his first couple steps on Mom's birthday last week. He's still pretty cautious and realizes he can get places much quicker when he crawls but with a little encouragement, he'll be running around in no time at all I'm sure.

Bekah controlling her brother. "No Blake! It's time to take a bath!"

Riding around the yard in the wagon!

Blake's first word was "dog" and he loves nothing more than to chase Hank, Harley and Heidi around everywhere. They don't feel the same....

Bekah's first solo pony ride at The Whittens - thanks!