Most of you already know that Matt won a trip for 4 days/3 nights to the Crazy Horse Ranch in Montana. He won this over 2 years ago and we finally leave next Tuesday morning. I'm nervous as heck about leaving the kids but I know deep down they'll be fine. I'm so excited for our trip (obviously because I should be working instead of making this post!). We received our check to cover the taxes on the trip and our plane tickets last Friday. Expecting our luggage to come any day now, which should look like this (one for each of us!):
They have many activities arranged for us, including (but not limited to!) a cattle drive, a zip line run soaring 150 feet over a mountain creek!, fly fishing, sporting clays, off-roading in Humvees! and a Backcountry tour in a 4x4 truck with a chuckwagon lunch along the way!. Wow...
Here's a link about the trip: