Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Free Food from Schwann's

Go to this page by Deal Seeking Mom to check it out... Deal starts August 1.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bekah's 2nd Birthday

On Sunday afternoon, we had a gathering to celebrate Bekah's 2nd Birthday. We couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather! Great family, friends, games, food... all a kid could ask for on her birthday! I'll have to post pictures of the pinata action later, they're on a different camera. The pinata was a lot of fun, definitely a tradition we're likely to continue!!

At the end of the evening, Blake was one pooped little guy!!!

Bekah reading one of her new books!

After supper, pinata and cake... she's already looking worn out!

The birthday girl's cake!

Bounce house fun...

Also, someone gave her a Barbie Thumbelina purse, necklace and earring set - but apparently someone got it out of the bag before we did - can anyone claim this cute gift? And an "Under the Sea" book?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Blake Update

I'm sorry I haven't updated the blog in quite a while. There's a lot to share!

Only a week after rolling over from tummy to back, Blake rolled over from back to tummy (on June 21st). He's been a roly poly boy ever since! We started him on solids last Tuesday (July 21) and it took him a few days to get used to the idea. On Saturday, July 25th, he ate his entire bowl of cereal so it looks like feeding him solids will need to be added to our daily routine. Now if we could only get him to sleep without nursing... At his 4-month appt on July 6th, he weighed in at 16 lbs 7 ozs, putting him in the 80th percentile for both height and weight. A big boy!

On a personal note, I've recently been promoted to Plant Controller! This means lots more responsibility and work-load for me but its quite an honor. I'll be the youngest Controller in North America, and I'll have lots of hurdles to overcome.

Bekah will be two on Wednesday. I can't believe it... We had a big party for her on Sunday afternoon. A beautiful day with lots of family and friends - I couldn't have asked for anything more satisfying. I'll post more on that later...